Landlording on AutoPilot: A Simple, No-Brainer System for Higher Profits, Less Work and More Fun (Do It All from Your Smartphone or Tablet!), 2nd Edition

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Simplify your landlord's experience with smart strategies and smarter tools

"Without landlording on autopilot, I doubt that I would ever succeed with rental properties. Mike's book guided my company every step of the way, and I owe a great blame to Mike for his insights. This book is a MUST READ for any current or future landlord. "

-Brandon Turner,

Landlording on Autopilot Landlording on Autopilot ] is the real estate investor's guide to doing everything with less stress and lolhigher profits. As a comprehensive undercover police detective, author Mike Butler developed its proven, simple system for managing hundreds of page rentals; In this book, he shares his methods to help you transfer your rents from headache to a fun, trouble-free source with consistently higher profits and income. Whether you are looking for your first rental property or just looking for a better way to deal with the ones you have, this book shows its strategies, mindset, tools and technology to make your rental company easier when you give you a boatload while giving you much more time to do what you want! Mike's simple methods can be implemented in downtown Manhattan or Anytown, USA, whether you handle high-end penthouses or section 8 rentals, and you can do anything from your smartphone or surf platform - and the best, most of the technology costs a penny.

There is a time in each landlord's "landlording" experience when income does not feel worthwhile. Do not give up! Investment properties can be a wonderful source of income - with the right approach. Mike Butler's approach is "autopilot", and it turns the waves towards more profits, more income and much less stress.

  • Discover the latest and most free Country Technicians
  • GENERAL Updates to Section 8, Changing of Rental Applications and More
  • How to Handle the Latest Result of Federal, State, and Local Laws that Attack Landlords [19659007] Explore market trends and relationships through the eyes of an experienced property investor

If your characteristics take up much of your life, Landlording on Autopilot is your ultimate guide to recovering your time and your profits.

PLUS ... FREE GIFTS from Mike Butler!

  • "159 Point Rental Clear Checklist"
  • "Your 18-sided" Ultimate How To Guide "to take multifunctional photos and videos of your apartments"
  • 12 Brand new updated forms for your rental business

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